Last updated on December 1st, 2023 at 02:07 pm
Last Updated on December 1, 2023 by Ron D. Morgan
One of the criteria to maintain your status in the Safelink Lifeline program is to recertify your status. You are required to recertify your status once a year to remain in the program.
When it is time, you will receive a recertification mail from the program provider in your location. The main comes with a deadline to complete the process.
Failure to complete the process before the given deadline will result in an instant disenrollment from the program.
Thankfully, the recertification process is easy. You can complete the process either online, via call, or by mail.
In this post, you will learn the steps to complete the recertification process of the Safelink network. Before then, let’s check out how the program works.
How Does Safelink Recertification Work?
As mentioned, the Lifeline program requires all registered in the program to recertify their status every year.
The purpose of the recertification process is to verify that you still qualify for the Lifeline program.
When you first enrolled in the Safelink Lifeline program, there were some criteria you had to meet to qualify. At the end of the year, your account is accessed to make sure you still qualify to remain in the program.
The recertification makes you eligible to remain in the program for one year, after which you have to repeat the recertification process.
So, the Lifeline program will send you an email once a year to recertify your eligibility to remain in the program.
How To Complete the Safelink Recertification Process
How you recertify your status on Safelink will depend on your state. For instance, those in California will recertify their status with the California Lifeline program.
Below are steps to take to recertify your status in different locations.
Safelink Recertification In California
If you are based in California, the California Lifeline Program will send you a mail when it’s time to recertify your status. Follow the steps below to complete the process.
Method 1: Recertify Online
. Open the Safelink login page.
. Enter your Enrollment Number and Password to log into your account.
. Click on Recertify Status on your dashboard.
. Fill in the form. Enter the PIN you received in the mail and submit the form.
You will receive an email when the recertification process is complete.
Method 2: Recertify Via Mail
To recertify your eligibility via mail, simply fill up the form that came with the letter in the mail. Sign the letter and mail it back to this address:
California Lifeline Program
P.O Box 138014
Sacramento, CA 95813-8014
You will receive a mail to your address when the recertification process is complete.
Method 3: Recertify via Phone Call
Check the recertification mail from the California Lifeline Program for a PIN. Call 1-877-858-7463 to complete the process. Have the PIN and your Safelink account details handy for the recertification.
Safelink Recertification In Texas
If you are based in Texas, the Texas Lifeline Program will send you a mail when it’s time to recertify your status. Follow the steps below to complete the process.
Method 1: Recertify Online
. Open the Safelink login page.
. Enter your Enrollment Number and Password to log into your account.
. Click on Recertify Status on your dashboard.
. Fill in the form. Enter the last 9 digits PIN you received in the mail and submit the form.
You will receive an email when the recertification process is complete.
Method 2: Recertify Via Mail
To recertify your eligibility via mail, simply fill up the form that came with the letter in the mail. Sign the letter and mail it back to this address:
Texas Lifeline Program
P.O Box 13326
Austin, TX 78711-3326
You will receive a mail to your address when the recertification process is complete.
Method 3: Recertify via Phone Call
Check the recertification mail from the California Lifeline Program for a PIN. Call 1-888-341-2426 to complete the process. Have the last nine digits on the letter and your Safelink account details handy for the recertification.
Safelink Recertification In Other States
If you are based in any other state outside California and Texas, the Universal Service Administrative Company will send you a mail when it’s time to recertify your status. Follow the steps below to complete the process.
Method 1: Recertify Online
. Open the Safelink login page.
. Enter your Enrollment Number and Password to log into your account.
. Click on Recertify Status on the National Verifier Web Portal.
. Fill in the form. Enter the last 9 digits PIN you received in the mail and submit the form.
You will receive an email when the recertification process is complete.
Method 2: Recertify Via Mail
To recertify your eligibility via mail, sign the barcoded form you received via mail. Enter the details and other details and mail them back to this address:
Universal Service Administrative Company
ATTN: ACP/ Lifeline Support Center
P.O Box 9100
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18773-9100
You will receive a mail to your address when the recertification process is complete.
Method 3: Recertify via Phone Call
Check the recertification mail from the California Lifeline Program for a PIN. Call 1-855-359-4299 to complete the process. Have the Application ID included in the mail and your Safelink account details handy for the recertification.
Dial the line, and follow the pre-recorded voice instructions to complete the recertification process. You will receive a confirmation immediately after you finish the process.
How Long Do You Have To Complete The Recertification Process?
The mail you receive from the Lifeline program administrators will include a deadline. The deadline is usually 90 days from the day the mail was sent to your address. That is the timeframe you have to complete the recertification process.
What Happens When You Fail To Complete Assurance Wireless Recertification Process?
It is important that you recertify your eligibility to continue in the program before the deadline. Failure to do so will result in you being de-enrolled from the program automatically.