US Mobile Port Out: Complete Guide

Last updated on November 20th, 2023 at 07:30 am

Last Updated on November 20, 2023 by Ron D. Morgan

Although US Mobile wouldn’t want to lose you as a customer, it’s your choice to stay or move to another network. You can decide to switch to a new network anytime you want.

Thankfully, you can take your current number to the new network. The process is called the number transfer or port out process.

In a nutshell, to port out your number from US Mobile to another network, all you have to do is to find your US Mobile account details. Contact the porting department of the new network. Submit the details and request to port your number to their network.

This post takes you through the step-by-step process of how to port your number from US Mobile to any other network in the United States.

Getting Ready To Port Out Number From US Mobile Network

After you decide to move your number from US Mobile to another network, there are some things you have to put in place or check to make the process seamless:

a. Check Number Transfer Eligibility

US Mobile is mandated by the FCC to release your number once there is a valid port out request. But the issue is that your number may not be eligible to port into the new network.

Some factors can make your number not eligible for transfer to a new network. For instance, it could be that the new network doesn’t have an interconnection agreement with the US Mobile network.

Another instance is if the number is a pager number. You can’t port out a pager number because it belongs to the paging Company.

It is advisable to contact the new carrier to check if your number is eligible for transfer to their network before you start the port-out process.

b. US Mobile Number Active

Another thing is to ensure the US Mobile number you want to transfer is active. Not just active, the number must be assigned to you. You can’t transfer a number that is not active. In the same way, you can’t transfer a number that has been assigned to another customer.

c. Keep US Mobile Service Active

The same with the above, you have to make sure your US Mobile account or service is active before and during the port out process.

If the account has been suspended, contact the US Mobile customer support department. Pay the connection fee and reactivate the account before you start the port-out process.

US Mobile Account Details To Complete Port Out Process

As mentioned earlier, you have to submit your account details to the new carrier when you start the port-out process. The details to submit are your US Mobile account number and security PIN.

a. US Mobile Account Number:

This is the unique account number the network assigns to every customer. You get the number after you activate your service. This number is different from your US Mobile phone number. Check this post on how to find your account number.

b. US Mobile Account PIN

The account PIN is the second important detail you need to complete the port-out process. It is the same as your account’s security PIN. Also, check this post on how to find your account PIN.

US Mobile Port Out Process Guide

After you get the details above, including other details like the full name and billing address on the US Mobile account, it’s time to start the process.

Contact the porting department of the new carrier. Some carriers may not have a dedicated porting department, in that instance, contact the customer support department. You will likely find this detail on their contact us page.

The next step is to request to port your number to their network. You will be asked to submit the number you want to port out. If you’ve not done that earlier, this is when they will do a number eligibility check to see if your number is eligible for a transfer.

After that, you will be asked to submit the account details. This is where you submit the account number, PIN, and other details you got earlier.

The new carrier will contact US Mobile on your behalf to place a number transfer request. The network will submit the account details you submitted earlier to US Mobile. US Mobile will release your number to the network after it confirms it’s a valid request.

How Much Does It Cost To Port Your Number From US Mobile?

It’s free to port out your number from US Mobile to another network. As long as the port-out request is valid, US Mobile will release your number for free.

The only money you may need to pay is any outstanding bill or free accrued in your account before the number transfer process. The outstanding amount will be included in your next month’s final bill.

How Long Does It Take To Port Out Number From US Mobile?

The entire process takes from a couple of hours up to 48 hours. As long as you have submitted the correct details, you should have the number active in the new network in hours.

What Happens After You Port Your Number From a US Mobile Network?

When the port-out process is complete, your number will be active in the new network. Also, the new carrier will contact US Mobile to deactivate your account and service.

It is advisable to contact US Mobile after the process to confirm your account has been deactivated to avoid further billing. Finally, you will cease to enjoy any benefit you got from US Mobile as a customer.

Can’t Transfer Number From US Mobile

If you are having issues with transferring your number from US Mobile, its likely has to do with incorrect account details. That is, the account details you submitted to the new network are incorrect.

To fix it, go through the details you submitted and make sure there is no error in the details.

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